Have a whale of time with this mechanical mammal! It's been well oiled with a rust proof finish!
- ―The Stash blurb
Mecha Micro is a vehicle skin for the Profit Bird, added to the game in update 1.7 and costs 40 000 coins.
Purchasing this skin enables the user to buy the Crabby Crustacean outfit, either by making an in-app purchase or randomly through S.A.M. Rewards.
Mecha Micro is a mechanical whale based on Micro, a character from another video game by Halfbrick, "Fish Out of Water". Instead of money, Mecha Micro trails bubbles.
While riding this vehicle a remix of Main Theme from Fish Out of Water plays, and a short note sequence of The Results theme plays after Mecha Micro is destroyed.
If you have the gadget Flash equipped, he will ride a mechanical version of Olympus, another character from Fish Out of Water.
- Mecha Micro is the only Profit Bird skin so far to have a unique musical theme to it.
- It is one of two vehicles to not only have a unique theme, but also a short note sequence upon being destroyed, the other being Colossatron.